Thursday, October 31, 2013

Film Constructs Reality

What film have you seen that you feel did a particularly good job of constructing a believable reality? Explain what about the film made it seem so real. Provide clips or screen shots if possible. 

Choose a film that did not do a good job in constructing reality. Explain why not. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

All Film is a Construction

The steps and expense in making a feature film can be quite elaborate. While reading this article, create a point form list of the steps and expenses in the creation of a Hollywood film.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bonus Time!

If you did not finish your homework:

The work that was to be done in class is at

If you are missing the assignment sheet, it can be found at

If you are finished you can catch up on any missed blogs.

If you are all caught up, feel free to use this time to explore school appropriate media of your choice.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Concept #6- The Source

Where do you go for your information about the world? Are there particular news shows, newspapers, websites or social media outlets that form the basis of your knowledge of world events?

1. Choose a source of information that you use regularly.  If this is a source that you use and trust, you must be having a preferred reading to either its content or the company itself. What about this source is appealing to you?

2. Research your source. Try to answer as many of the following questions as possible (this may take some time and effort);

a. Who owns your source? Is it owned by a larger company? Is it privately owned or traded on the stock market? Who owns the most stock? Try to find the overall parent company.

b. Who is the head of your source? This could be a CEO or head editor. Ultimately, who is the boss? Provide some detail about this person.

c. What are the commercial implications of your source? How do they make money?

d. Looking at the content of your source, how does the need to make money impact the content of your source? Explain with detail?