Thursday, August 22, 2013


Welcome to EMS 3O! As part of the course you will be required to manage and update your own media blog. Once a week you will be required to either post on the class topic, a self selected media topic, or provide some insight into a classmates post.

Completing blog topics and completing them on time is beneficial to you for two reasons: 

First, a large portion of your midterm mark will be based on your blog because we will have had few summative assessments at that point. 

Second, all posting topics will be directly related to your culminating assessment and, if done well, you will be able to copy and paste large portions of your blog directly into your culminating assessment.

Remember, you are writing a new blog post for each topic, not creating a new blog for each topic. If you are unsure of what to do, ask before it impacts your mark.

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